Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The meaning of boring to me

- I have work to do but not in the mood to do
- Always think something interesting to do but the thing make my life more enjoyable

cannot generate any income
- Trapped in traffic jam and my MP3/radio out of order and no tit bit in my car
- Forced to do something I don’t like


Telipuk Kuala said...

Pada Aku pulak, keboringan paling tahap cipan ialah :
1. Terpaksa bermeeting perkara yang sia-sia
2. Menunggu tanpa batasan waktu yg jelas
3. Arahan yang mengelirukan
4. Pentadbiran yang celaru
5. Disogokkan dengan kata-kata yang sama, dok pi dok mai lagu tu jugak..

Tu yang buat aku jemu...dan jadi cemuih!

Anonymous said...

Pada I, boring tu bila:
i) Dipaksa buat satu yang tak suka....
ii)Terpaksa melayan orang yang kita tak suka
Senang cakap, boring = benda yang kita tak suka

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we have so many things at one time. we know that we have no choice except to complete it within stipulated time. sometimes, we have less work,but we don't what to do and how to do it. it may lead to boring as well. sometimes, you know better than others, then your boss keeps asking you to manage so many times at one time. you may get bored as well. sometimes, i feel resign is better option but i may get bored in future since i don't know how to spend my time. therefore, lets us pray to almighty god to give us strong iman,positive ways of thinking and vibrant to be the best among the best...

peace yeah....youth umno

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we have so many things to do at one time. we know that we have no choice except to complete it within stipulated time. sometimes, we have less work,but we don't know what to do and how to do it. it may lead to boring as well. sometimes, you know better than others, then your boss keeps asking you to manage so many projects at one time. you may get bored as well. sometimes, i feel resign is better option but i may get bored in future since i don't know how to spend my time. therefore, lets us pray to almighty god to give us strong iman,positive ways of thinking and vibrant to be the best among the best...

peace yeah....youth umno